State Scholarships

The American Legion offers a number of scholarships and other resources to assist young people in their pursuit of higher education.

The Statue of Liberty from the chest to the crown and the American flag behind it.

Post 647 Sponsors Students in Alameda

Our post continues to sponsor local high school students to participate in the various American Legion scholarship opportunities available. Each year, Post 647 sponsors up to 8 students to attend the Boys and Girls State Scholarship of California and at least 1 student to attend the American Legion Auxiliary. Please encourage your students to apply!

The positive feedback we receive from the participants reminds us of the worth of our contributions to these youth programs and our community.

Boys and Girls State

American Legion California Boys & Girls State, formerly American Legion California Boys State, chose to become a fully inclusive, Co-Ed Program commencing with their 2023 Session.

Delegates to the American Legion California Boys & Girls State Program are sponsored by local American Legion Posts. Students in their Junior year of high school that are interested in attending should first contact their high school counselor to express their interest and to find out if their school has had the opportunity to send delegates in the past. Most schools that send delegates make recommendations to their local American Legion Post. If the school has not sent delegates in recent years, the school or the interested student should contact their local American Legion Post for further assistance. Additional information can be found on the California Boys & Girls State website.

Boys Nation

Two representatives from each of the 49 Boys States represent their state at Boys Nation in Washington, where the young leaders receive an education on the structure and function of federal government. Additional information can be found on the American Legion Headquarters website.

American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) - California Girls State

About American Legion Auxiliary

The Auxiliary, organized in 1919 to assist the American Legion, is much more than the name implies. The organization has achieved its own unique identity while working side-by-side with the veterans who belong to the American Legion. Like the Legion, the Auxiliary's interests have broadened to encompass the entire community.

The American Legion Auxiliary is one of the nation’s most prominent supporters of veterans, military and their families. Through its nearly 10,500 Units located in every state and some foreign countries, the Auxiliary embodies the spirit of America that has prevailed through war and peace. Along with the American Legion, it solidly stands behind America and her ideals.

About ALA California Department

The American Legion Auxiliary Department of California is a proud sponsor and administrator of the American Legion Auxiliary California Girls State program. Nearly 300 locally-based Units work all year to raise money to provide scholarships for students to attend ALA California Girls State. Local Units recruit from area high schools and select young women who are just completing their junior year of high school to attend the week-long summer session.

Learn more about eligibility requirements, deadlines and how to apply on the ALA California Girls State website.